Training Courses

Training Courses

Safety Passport Training Logistics

safety passport training logisticsMany workplaces throughout the UK now require all contractors on their premises to hold a Safety Passport.Read More

Safety Passport Training Petrol Retail

The Safety Passport is a recognised and validated standard acknowledged by the HSE, driving good practice through the contractor supplier chain, increasing safety awareness and contributing to higher standards of safety performance.Read More
Trebol Ltd. is also certified to provide SPA Petrol Retail refresher training. Read More

Driver CPC Training

truck-scaniaThis newly revised refresher course has been designed to follow “A Safe Day In Your Life In The Petrol Industry” detailing a contractors working day.Read More

Emergency First Response

Trebol Limited believes that First aid and CPR skills should be taught to everyone. Trebol Limited specializes in teaching these lifesaving skills.Read More

Emergency First Response Care for Children

automated-external-defribrillatorThe Emergency First Response Care for Children course is an innovative CPR, AED and First Aid training course that will teach you how to provide emergency care for injured or ill children.Read More

Additional Training Courses

We will only supply fully qualified advice and assistance using CPC qualified staff, who have extensive experience in the field of transport compliance management, to ensure you receive a quality service.Read More